While milk prices have fallen, beef prices have remained stable, with a kilogram of meat costing between Shs 10,000 and Shs 12,000. Some farmers say beef cattle could be a better option than milk.
The traders accuse the landlords of increasing rent abnormally, double allocation of shops, eviction of tenants on short notice and demanding payments in foreign currency.
Dr Nathan Onyachi, the Director Masaka Regional Referral Hospital, says that the hospital asked all health workers that had lost the houses, to file appeals so that their cases can be looked into by the hospital management.
According to the 2018 Water and Environment health sector report, hand washing practices with soap have stagnated for the last two years. The report shows that improvement of only one percent has been recorded annually.
A report released by the district Planner, Alfred Kato indicates that in the last one year, Maracha district recorded 1,842 child mothers between the ages of 10 to 17 years.
In August, Phillip Lomongin, the LCI Chairperson of Kanayete Village in Kotido Sub County reported a defilement case involving a six-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy to the police at Lokitelaebu.
Now URA says all goods declared to customs and not paid for within 72 hours will be deemed not entered and taken to the customs warehouse. The owner will then be charged a redemption fee of 1 per cent of the CIF value of the goods in question.
The campaign, to be conducted in schools for the first three days and in communities for the last two days, targets all children younger than 15 years, whether previously immunized or not, in order to interrupt the circulation of these diseases. Among them, 8.2 million children younger than 9 months, will also receive the oral polio vaccine.
Winifred Natuhwera a resident of Nyakatebe Kibazi Manshonga Kyamuhunga Sub County and her one-year-old baby went missing on 13th of October on her way to Ishaka Adventist hospital in Ishaka town for a medical check-up.
Records indicate that Omolo was saving 5,031,000 Shillings for his pension every month. This included 1,677,000 as the contribution from his salary and the government contribution of 3,354,000 Shillings. As at the end of December 2015, Omolo had 253.8 million Shillings saved with the parliament pension scheme, according to the financial statement given to the MP by the scheme on 19 January 2016.