There were moments when Mayanja seemed like a staunch sub-nationalist pushing for Buganda’s interest and others when he acted as a nationalist working with Milton Obote to push for independence from the British without violence.
According to Annet Twine the Director of Project Risk Monitoring and Control the CSOs will implement the ‘community responsibility to enhance transparency and accountability (CRETA) activity.
The group, Ribbe Pi Paco-RPP, was formed in February 2023, to advocate against the rampant tree-cutting in Acholi Sub-region, following a surge in tree-cutting to feed the growing trade in charcoal.
The prosecution alleges that the suspects, Mugisha John Bosco alias Kaihura and Tamale Aloysius alias Young Mulo, with malice aforethought, killed Damiano Ssekana, a Boda-boda rider, in Kizungu zone Makindye on April 29, 2019.