Sheikh Nasib Musenene Swaibu, head teacher at Kasese Muslim Secondary School, expressed that the unique nature of this examination setting presents challenges for candidates, particularly since they did not have the opportunity to revise from past papers as has traditionally been done.
As national examinations kick off this year, UNEB, in collaboration with the police, has already apprehended two suspects for examination malpractice. The suspects were arrested in Moroto while allegedly trying to sell what they claimed were PLE leaked papers. The duo, from St. Mary's Junior School in Namirembe, Kapeka, Nakaseke District, has since been remanded to Morikatipe Prison in Tororo.
Monday marked the start of the UCE exams for 379,748 candidates across various centers nationwide. Of these, 369,601 are sitting for exams under the new curriculum, while 10,147 will take transitional examinations under the old curriculum.
Speaking at Zeu sub-county headquarters, Emmy Kizito Kakura, the Executive Director of Life Concern, confirmed that the project is set to conclude on December 31, 2024, having met its objectives.
The Rwenzori East police spokesperson, Nelson Tumushime told URN on Monday morning that the deceased is said to have impregnated a senior student in the same school and was depressed by the case.
According to Annet Lekuru, the Executive Director of Feminature Uganda, girls and women who participate in programs implemented jointly by the organizations acquire knowledge and skills to protect themselves against the several challenges they are facing.