

Feb 4 results

Lightning Kills One, Injures Another in Hoima Heavy Downpour 1

The deceased has been identified as Ari Wanichan 35, while the injured is 12-year-old girl only identified as Monday.

Flash Floods Kill Two Children in Moroto poor drainage 4 2

The two separate incidents happened on Wednesday following the rains that lasted for 4 hours before bursting the major rivers in Narwosi and Katanga cells.

Lightning Bolt Kills One Child, Injures Five Others in Buliisa Heavy Downpour 1

The deceased's father, Okecha told URN that he was out of Buliisa district when he recieved the saddening news about the death of his son. “It is unfortunate that I have lost my child who was killed by lightning. I put everything before God because currently, I’m speechless and out of the district”, said Okecha.

Rains Destory Primary School Classrooms in Alebtong Heavy Downpour

The rain that was characterized by wind pounded the district for several hours on Thursday. The destroyed classrooms are primary three, four and six. According to Ojung, the rain mixed with heavy wind that lasted for almost four hours also destroyed all the two classroom blocks of the school.
Feb 4 results