

Feb 4 results

Nine Ugandan Victims of Human Trafficking Arrested in Kenya 2 1

CID spokesperson Charles Twine says the nine Ugandans were arrested at the airport in Nairobi for holding passports with forged Kenyan stamps over the weekend. Police investigations show they were trafficked and given documents with forged Kenyan stamps by Charles Kamuli who has a warehouse in Kireka where he recruits and holds his victims for trafficking.

Karimojong Parents Face Arrest for Abandoning Children human trafficking

The children of aged between 5 and 15 were allegedly picked last week in Arapai cattle market in Soroti district. They are currently being kept at Amecet child Development Centre in Soroti.

Judiciary Calls for Review of Human Trafficking Trial Procedures population growth 3

Law enforcement investigations in Uganda rely mainly on the testimony of trafficked persons to secure evidence against traffickers. However, according to Justice Batema, this approach, favours perpetrators of Human Trafficking.

Uganda grapples with Human Trafficking 1

Investigations revealed that most Ugandans who are either knowingly of unknowingly convinced to leave the country in search of better employment head to Kuwait, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates – UAE and Qatar.
Feb 4 results