"The person standing before you today has achieved a remarkable feat, graduating with second-class honors against all odds. Among my fellow graduates, some began as prison officers, while others were convicts.However, my own journey started as a condemned inmate, sentenced to death by court-martial."Nkamuhabwa said.
He said the Auditor General's Office is to carry out audit to determine the amount stolen by the hackers and that Uganda Police Force has begun investigations.
According to Rogers Taitika the Elgon Region Police Spokesperson says that 15 people who were injured have been rescued and admitted to Buluganya Health Center three in critical condition.
Paul Matovu, the Director of Kaleeta Construction Company Limited, says it is high time the government took deliberate efforts to build the capacity of the local firms to reduce on profits and human resource repatriation by multinationals, which also haemorrhages the economy.
A family source says that Baguma passed away on Thursday at Rubaga Hospital where he had been bedridden. In 2020, Baguma was diagnosed with cancer of the throat.
Arua is one of the districts in northern Uganda that has experienced massive environmental degradation due to many factors, such as deforestation and bush burning.
In 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries banned the transportation of livestock at night following the rising incidents of theft in the country.
AIGP Mwesigwa summoned the commanders from Regional Police Commanders (RPCs) to Officers in charge of Stations (OCs) to discuss the rampant insecurity incidents that are happening in Kampala metropolitan areas that includes Kampala City, Wakiso, Mukono and parts of Mpigi district.
Abdul Magezi, the Bulembia Division Community Development Officer-CDO says many young girls below the age of 18 year engage in sex due to poverty, domestic violence, bad peer pressure and cults which led to pregnancies.
Details so far gathered by DIS and CID indicate that the money was moved from BOU to foreign banks in the month of September. Source said BOU after unearthing the criminal transactions and with the help of cyber experts from DIS, CID and NITA-U traced some of the money on foreign accounts and it contacted its counterparts and the accounts was frozen.
"That on the 20th day of September 2024, while on a business trip in Nairobi, I was unlawfully kidnapped and without due process of the law returned to Uganda, and detained at Kira Road Police Station for three days", reads the application.
Benon Bagorogoza, a resident of Furuma, Mutara Town Council; Justus Kamuza from Rurehe South PDM SACCO; and James Turyamureba from Kiyanga PDM Sacco were arrested on the orders of Deputy Resident District Commissioner Umaru Muhanguzi.
Construction of the 83-million-dollar substation was launched in 2020, aimed at reducing power outages in the Kigezi sub-region as well as powering the extraction of the Iron ore plant projected to be constructed in Rubanda district.
Kadima allegedly solicited the money from Alipostina Angeyango, a patient who had gone to the health facility seeking treatment after an illness. Her condition necessitated a surgical operation.
Speaking in an interview with URN, UCI Executive Director Dr. Jackson Orem said the facility receives between seven and eight thousand newly diagnosed cases each year in addition to the over 36,000 revisits but the Northern region accounts for the highest.