Michael Odongo, the East Kyoga Region Police spokesperson confirmed the arrest of Anna Nakiria, Awasi Among and Tereza Ilukol, all residents of Lorunget village in Lopei Sub County in Napak district.
According to police, trouble started when two youth started a fight near Dabuliwo’s workstation. He ordered them to take their fight to another place in vain.
Dandaura says that the media and Science share different values like curiosity, objectivity, truth and innovation among others. He also said that both media and Science serve the community and therefore they should work together to publicise research and innovations that arise from science.
The Internal Affairs State Minister, Obiga Kania told the house during plenary all the 3,233 cameras will be installed by August this year. He however, observed 446 of the 1756 cameras are nonfunctional because of power issues.
Parliament has approved a recommendation that an extra 135. 6 billion shillings is allocated to the Water and Environment sector in the financial year 2019/2020.
The District Internal Security Officer Kaliisa Aggrey recently authored a report that indicated pinned both the Human Resources Officer Mukalu Abbey and the General Manager Sardin Damanik on sectarianism, human injustices and theft.
The children of aged between 5 and 15 were allegedly picked last week in Arapai cattle market in Soroti district. They are currently being kept at Amecet child Development Centre in Soroti.
Masaka district local government plans to occupy the centre located at Kijjabwemi in Kimanya-Kyabakuza division after they were served with an eviction notice from the Buganda Kingdom premises at Buddu County headquarters at Ssaza.
While appearing before the Finance Committee of parliament chaired by the Rubanda East MP, Henry Musasizi, Moses Kaggwa, the Director Economic Affairs explained that the new proposal is meant to ensure that property owners don’t offset losses on one property using income from another profitable property.
The Sub county chief, Charles Lwanyaga, says Gonza has started dumping construction materials such as sand and bricks on kingdom land without their consent.
Baluku 45 was attacked by the elephant at 7:30 am as he headed to his farm in Nyaruzigati. Kananga says the wild animals had turned violent after the community and game park rangers started chasing them away from the community.