The transfer, expected 19 years ago, faced delays due to regional instabilities. The ritualistic transfer of power occurred at Akiriket, one of the largest shrines in Lotisan Sub County. It involved the sacrificial offering of a black bull, symbolizing the transition from darkness to light within the community.
A significant number of people from villages like Naput in Rupa Sub-County, Kidepo, and Atedeoi in Lotisan Sub-County are migrating to urban areas and mining sites to work as casual laborers to make a living.
Mark Aol Musoka, an Elder in Acholi Inn ward in Moroto municipality, told URN that the government should consider changing the mindset of local leaders before rolling out to the population.
Cinderella Atenyo, a radio presenter at Ateker FM Moroto, observed that communities have a negative perception that journalists always use their information and photos to get money.
Jennifer Echaat, a Senior Principal assistant nursing officer at Moroto Regional Refferal Hospital told URN that there is a surging demand for blood transfusion among patients with malaria, gunshot victims, and mothers in the labor ward yet the supply is very low.
Albert Lodou, one of the pastoralists gathered in the area says that at the moment they are surviving on animal blood mixed with milk as the only source of food. But he is concerned that the practice of piercing animals for blood is affecting the health of the cows.
Each beneficiary recieved 10 kgs of posho and beans. Margy Lowanyang, 30, a family head and resident of Rupa sub-county, says that she has resumed ARV treatment after getting food that will help boost her immune system.
Police says it is taking a keen interest in churches, bars and the curfew hours as they plan to secure the festive season and ensure the safety of the public, warning that all those who defy will be arrested and charged in accordance with the Covid-19 directives.
Peter Kodet, the Village Chairperson and biological father to the woman living in Kambizi, a slum in Moroto town, says that his daughter torched the houses including their joint store on Monday where they had stored close to 27 bags of sorghum and maize for the households.
Up to 29 girls, now in upper primary and secondary school, have managed to sponsor the education of 43 other disadvantaged children at Kasmeri Primary School and contributed to the construction of three semi-permanent houses to shelter three elderly persons caring for orphans.
Rev. Fr. Richard Akol of Moroto district was ordained together with Rev. Fr. Dominic Alinga of Nakapiripirit district in a low key ceremony witnessed by parishioners in the first religious ceremony in the diocese since March 18 when Church functions and activities were suspended over coronavirus pandemic.
Prisca Tumushabe, a salon operator, says that she now attends to her clients from her home. She however says that she receives few clients due to the restriction on public transport and the curfew.
Also affected is the price of sugar which is now sold at as high as 4,000 Shillings, up from 3,300 Shillings at the beginning of April, and maize brand which has increased by 400 Shillings from the initial cost of 2000 Shillings. Other essentials like cooking oil have recorded an increase by 500 Shillings.
The breakdown of the boreholes according to the Nadunget Sub County Chief Gertrude Naruu has affected hand washing behavior among rural communities where many families walk about 3 kilometers to access clean water because of major break down of boreholes.
Handing over the 200 bags of maize flour containing 25kgs each, Simon Nagiro, the spokesperson of the Mechanized Agro, said the food is meant to benefit the most vulnerable and those hit hardest by the Covid19 lockdown.
Moroto Municipal Town Clerk, Isaiah Tumwesigye says that the interdiction was served to restore sanity in the institution of government adding that a number of cases of indiscipline by staff members in the Municipality have been recorded over time without any punitive action.
Hannah Longole, the Executive Director of Ateker Cultural Centre says the cultural celebrations help revive and strengthen the positive cultural aspects for the development of the Karamoja Cluster communities.
While in Karamoja women rarely speak at public gatherings, a good number grabbed the opportunity presented by the Commission at the community Baraza in Moroto town to expose land grabbing cases. They accused individuals, businessmen and institutions including government entities of grabbing their land.
Jorem Okello, another resident of Nakapelimen wants Uganda National Roads Authority-UNRA and municipal council to sensitize people on the use of the pavement.
The dancer is in the country to draw attention to Japan’s cooperation with Africa ahead of a key August conference on African development in Japan. He has gone through the hillsides of Namalu in Nakapiripirit district, visiting schools and communities, courtesy of the World Food Programme.