Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire has identified the deceased as Musanje Ahmed a teacher from Masha S.S from Isingiro district, Western Uganda who died while coming out of a taxi in Seguku central zone this morning.
Fredah Muwanga Namyalo, the Mpunge sub-county LC III Chairperson, says that the deceased had stolen a pig belonging to Okwalinga and tried to escape with it on a boat.
The SPCs vowed never to hand in Police uniforms until they were paid. They say the Green long sleeved shirts, trousers and gum boots are there last hope of getting their salaries since they had no other evidence.
A video that was captured by CCTV cameras within the premises shows the thieves who were disguised as employees of NWSC entering the private residence at lower estate in Edinburg Avenue, Kyambogo Kampala and holding the occupants captive before taking off with the cash.