The country earned USD 221.63 million in August, up from USD 210 million in July, marking a 13 percent increase. This difference of USD 11.6 million translates to UGX 41.7 billion.
The coffee farmers in Masaka sub region led by Jude Muleke, the Buddu County Chief; commonly known by the traditional title of Ppokino, tasked parliament to completely remove UCDA from the list of agencies considered for rationalization.
Teopista Nakiboneka, Secretary of the Budda Parish Coffee Farmers’ Association, voiced the concerns of her group, indicating that many farmers are hesitant to register. She pointed out that farmers have long struggled with challenges such as high-cost counterfeit inputs, and resilient pests and diseases, without adequate government support.
The facilities include coffee and maize processing factories that were constructed at Nkuuna and Buyaga villages respectively, in Kyannamukaaka sub-county, to support communities to add value to their agricultural produce.
eoffrey Etedu, the Assistant Commissioner and National Coordinator for Markets in the Ministry of Local Government explains that the new Act intends to streamline the management of public markets and prevent the exploitation of vendors in privately owned facilities.
Enforcement teams from the two government agencies jointly conducted impromptu operations this week clamping down on illegal fuel dealers who included single-pump fuel retailers, those selling adulterated fuel, and stations with compromised fuel pumps that cheat clients.
Gilbert Kato, a senior agronomist at the Export Trading Group-ETG,
a company that provides solutions to agricultural challenges observes that
although more Ugandans are engaging in farming, many of them are still
following traditional farming methods that limit their productivity.
Andrew Lukyamuzi Batemyeto, the Masaka L.CV Chairperson, states that they have agreed to present this land to the government for the industrial park. In 2015, the local government leaders had previously presented 1.5 square miles of land at Mazigo in Bukakata Sub County, Masaka district to attract the promised industrial park.
In the company of Chinese investors in 2015, President Museveni commissioned the construction of a regional industrial park at Mazigo in Bukakata sub-county on a 1.5 square miles piece of land that was allocated by Masaka district.
However, Florence Namayanja the Masaka City Mayor expressed disappointment that the process to allocate space in the market is being frustrated by some local political fanatics for their selfish interests.
Dr. Abed Bwanika, the Member of Parliament for Kimaya - Kabonera division and the interim chairperson of the regional stakeholders’ forum says that through it, they intend to galvanize efforts and different potentials that can attract development to the region.
Achilles Mawanda, the Masaka City Deputy Mayor says following the misunderstanding, they halted the process of relocating the vendors into the new market, and referred the matter to the Ministry of Local government for guidance and eventual management as an independent arbiter.
According to Slyvia Kirabo, the UNBS Spokesperson, the plants were closed for various reasons that include poor hygiene of the machinery and employees, appalling storage facilities and poor aeration of the premises, improper packaging of the processed flour among other deficiencies, which affect the quality of their final product.
The 18.05 billion Shillings modern market was constructed under the second phase of the Markets and Agricultural Trade Improvement Program-MATIP II, which was funded by a loan from the African Development Bank-ADB. The three-storied market has 761 stalls and 89 lockups
According to the Mining and Mineral Act 2021, the government took over the rights of ownership of all high and low-value minerals that are being exploited for commercial purposes.
Mutuuzo, who was in the company of police officers raided the hotel where the company was operating and arrested nine people including four women and five men who were employed as company coordinators.
In their joint statement presented at the 08th commemoration of the International Coffee Day held in Buwunga sub-county, Masaka district on Wednesday, the farmers observed that the authority plays a very vital role in the coffee development chain, arguing that it is illogical to strip it of its semi-autonomous nature at this time.
Yasin Kizito, the coordinator of Milk Dairies and Butchery stall owners, argues that subjecting them to a raffle draw is likely to send them to stalls that are unfriendly to the type of their businesses. He demands that City authorities use the vendor's register to allocate them stalls depending on the type of merchandise one deals in.
Two years after they were granted city status, the leadership of Masaka has considered organizing the first-ever city carnival as a platform to market its tourism potential and investment opportunities; a four-day socialization event, which will take place between July 29 and July 31, 2022.
Alice Nannungi, the Masaka City Women Councilor representing Nyendo-Mukungwe demands that as the government commits funds to finance the PDM projects, it also makes deliberate interventions to secure markets and attractive prices for the produces that will be generated from the beneficiary groups.