According to the CSBAG Executive Director, Julius Mukunda, the Climate Change Budget Compliance Assessment Report of 2024 indicates that the alignment of the 2024/2025 Budget Framework Paper to climate change integration averaged at 62 percent, which he said was moderately satisfactory.
Museveni argues that, despite the success stories witnessed by beneficiaries of government-led development programs, some members of the public have opted to listen to detractors rather than pushing for their general welfare improvement.
The report recently submitted to Parliament reveals that gold exports valued at over USD 3 billion (approximately 11 trillion shillings) were made without the required export permits from the Minister of Energy, as stipulated by Section 149 of the Mining and Minerals Act.
However, the Shillings 119.8 billion is still below the projections as provided in the loan agreement that sets the monthly loan repayment amounts at 26.8 Million Dollars or about 96 Billion Shillings (as per the 2022 exchange rate) per year for 13 years.
The participation also aligns with Uganda’s Vision 2040, emphasizing economic and commercial diplomacy to drive GDP growth. Tourism, as a key pillar of this strategy, has the potential to attract investments, create jobs, and boost exports.
Records at the district indicate that 23 women groups in Buhanika sub-county defaulted on 200 million Shillings that was allocated to them while in Kitoba sub-county 14 women groups have swindled shillings 157 million advanced to them under the UWEP.
Eyewitnesses reported that Kiggundu was attacked while heading to work early in the morning, and his motorcycle, which he had acquired through a loan, was stolen. Speaking from Mukono General Hospital, Kiggundu’s father, Abdullah Bogere, voiced his concern about his son's condition.
“The Q3 release aligns with our efforts to reallocate resources from old priorities to key growth drivers. Our focus remains on promoting technical efficiency and ensuring service delivery at the lowest cost,” said Ggoobi.