

Jan 2021 3 results

Impassable Roads Force Pregnant Mothers in Gulu to Resort to TBAs Gulu District 1 1

Susan Aber, one of the traditional birth attendants at Tee-Ladwong Parish says that she receives 3 to 4 mothers turning up for delivery each month at her home.

Why Odonga Otto, Beatrice Anywar Failed to Retain MP Seats 7 1

Both Otto and Anywar are among some of the longest-serving legislators in Acholi Sub-region who suffered a heavy defeat in the hands of their opponents as they made attempts to seal their parliamentary bids for the fifth and fourth terms respectively.

Five Polling Assistants in Amuru Held for Alleged Election Malpractice Otwee Town Council 1 1

Patrick Jimmy Okema, the Aswa River Region Police Spokesperson, says that the suspects were picked up on Wednesday from their polling station with dozens of pre-ticked ballot papers for the Amuru district parliamentary candidates.
Jan 2021 3 results