

Oct 2023 4 results

Lack of Psychiatrists Affecting Diagnosis of Mental Illness in Agago 6

Florence Adong, the program's Manager at Basic Needs UK in Uganda, says out of the 2,928 patients, 1,623 clients are epileptics, followed by those suffering from depression at 1,066 cases, psychosis 115 and other, 124 cases.

Maracha Turns to Schools To Fight Malaria Amid Upsurge 2 1 Top story

This decision comes in response to a recent upsurge of malaria cases in the lower part of the district, especially in Tara, Agira, Yivu, and Alikua sub-counties.

Gulu District Gets UGX 2.94 Supplementary Budget Parlainment 2 1

The new funding prioritizes agricultural development with an allocation of Shillings 370 million, while agricultural extension services received Shillings 223 million. The water and environment sector was allocated Shillings 40.9 million.

Lira’s USMID Projects Nears Completion The World Bank 1 5

Originally scheduled to be completed in 18 months, the contract period was extended twice to allow the contractors to finish the work. During an impromptu visit to various construction sites by a team from the World Bank and city council authorities, it was observed that the work remains incomplete.
Oct 2023 4 results