

Dec 2024 6 results

Let East Africans Interact Freely Says David Pulkol 3 1 Top story

Pulkol urged East African governments to dismantle barriers that hinder integration

Police Arrest NGO Boss For Alleged Fraud 1 Top story

Nakasango, who is also a signatory to the organization's bank account, claimed that she registered children from 105 parents fetching Shillings 28 million in March 2024, which was handed over to Kanayaka but was never reflected in the organization's bank account.

Ugandans Using Poor Quality Life Jackets on Water Vessels-Research Makerere University 1 4

A countrywide survey conducted in 60 lakeside districts, by the Makarere University School of Public Health, Center for Trauma, Injury and Disability, indicates that despite the high cost, the lifesaving jackets sold and used in Uganda do not meet the quality standard and may not serve the intended purposes.

Body of Unidentified Woman Found Dumped on Gulu City Street

David Ongom Mudong, the Aswa West River Region Police Spokesperson said the body was retrieved by police officers who responded to a distress call about a suspected body stuffed inside a polythene bag.

24 Huts Torched in Zombo Over Witchcraft Allegations 1 Top story

The LC I Chairperson of Olyeko Pambo Village, Abdallah Luiji, called on the government to establish a police post in Otheko Parish to address the increasing insecurity caused by land disputes and associated violence. “People are being killed, and houses are being burnt. We need protection for our lives and property because we are all citizens of this country and deserve security,” Luiji urged.
Dec 2024 6 results