

Dec 2024 5 results

Why ICC Scheduled Kony’s Confirmation of Charges Hearing in 2025 Gulu City 1

In a decision delivered on Thursday, the Chamber ruled that the confirmation of charges hearing of Kony will be held on September 9, 2025, in light of its duty to ensure that sufficient time is provided to both the prosecution and the defence.

16-Year-Old Girl Dumps Baby in Latrine 1 1

A resident George William Otwani brought the matter to the attention of the police when he heard the baby crying in the pit latrine. They rushed to the scene and decided to dismantle the pit latrine and retrieve the minor still alive.

Nkumba LC Youth Leader Remanded For Murder Court

It is alleged that Muliika and others still at large in November killed Denis Kivumbi who they suspected to have broken into a shop and stole a flat television screen and some other valuables.

Masaka SME Manufactures Root For Incubation Center 3

Emmanuel Kakooza, the Greater Masaka Regional representative to Uganda Small Scale Industries Association –USSIA secretariat, observes that many SMEs are struggling and many times close shops due to failure to meet certification standards, which they can hardly afford at individual levels.

Gov't Asked to Expedite Food, Nutrition Legislations for Better Food Security 8

According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, 40 percent of households did not consume sufficient quantity of food with the proper nutrient content, while rural households experienced twice more prevalence of food poverty that the urban ones.
Dec 2024 5 results