The rift among the Acholi Chiefs has taken a new shift as the opposing faction headed by Rwot Santo Richard Apire as the Paramount Chief has opened a new office in Gulu City known, Gulu liaison Office.
During the launch of their new office located at Plot 9A Samuel Doe Road in Laroo-Pece Division in Gulu City, Rwot Samuel Anywar, the Chief of Pagol in Pader district noted that the office will serve as the basis for bringing together the Acholi people.
Sister Grace Angelina Aciro, the Superior General of the congregation told stakeholders at the fundraiser that nuns at the convent are living in deplorable conditions as most structures are already dilapidated.
The State Minister for Youth and Children, Balaam Barugahara says its time young people appreciate the value of land and desist from selling it for purposes of joining the boda boda business.
They believe this approach will help eliminate election violence, division, and other malpractices that previously marred primary elections, ultimately strengthening the party's performance in general elections.