Nakasongola District Speaker Sande Rogers Bwangas said the role of the District Security Commitee is to oversee and advise the National Security Council on security matters of the district but not to turn into an organ of procurement.
According to the Access to Information Act, every citizen has a right of access to information and records in the possession of the State or any public body, except where the release of the information is likely to prejudice the security or sovereignty of the State or interfere with the right to the privacy of any other person.
Engineer Patrick Rusongoza, one of the UNRA Probe Commission noted that the Solicitor General wasnt even satisfied with the valuation report of the building when he objected to the contract.
The Uganda National Roads Authority probe committee heard that former Executive Director, Eng. Peter Ssebanakitta on several occasions wrote letters to the evaluation committee asking that requirements on academic qualification and equipment be waived.
Oyam district council has called for the suspension of two senior procurement officials in over what the councilors call gross abuse of office and incompetence.