According to Police Spokesperson Kituuma Rusoke, the main suspect, Tony Semuyaba, was arrested with the assistance of the police canine unit. The sniffer dog tracked the scent to Semuyaba's residence in Kasubi, revealing a surprising twist: the suspect is the brother of the deceased, Julius Muyanja.
Achom's treatment costs have skyrocketed beyond the family's expectations. Initially, they estimated the total bill to be around 30 million Shillings, but with the added expenses of ICU care, the cost has risen to 61,644,890 Shillings in just one month. The daily ICU expenses exceed 2 million Shillings, and the bills continue to accumulate.
While the catchwords of the store “Cheaper. Satisfaction. Quality” stand out prominently, some shoppers were skeptical about the quality, a major characteristic that Ugandans attach to products made in China.
Speaking to journalists in Kampala, Lumu said ever since he was granted leave of parliament last week to introduce the bill, he has been subjected to unwarranted attacks, particularly from the National Unity Platform, the current holder of the office of the leader of the opposition.
The protestors carried placards with messages such as "Uganda is not poor, they are stealing its wealth," and one with a more vulgar message, "Corruption has I am here to moan," alongside another that read, "Say no to Corruption, for the Children."
Eyewitnesses, including Patrick Okumu, the Kihungya Parish Councilor, reported that the driver was traveling at high speed, which likely contributed to his inability to navigate the sharp corner on the River Waaki bridge.
The judge explained that the said items would be marked and identified until the witnesses who recovered them came forward to testify and tender them as exhibits. "It, therefore, follows that a chain or evidence has to be followed before the exhibits are admitted right from the time of recovery to the tendering," said Muwata.
On Monday afternoon, Lujja appeared before the court, presided over by Principal Grade One Magistrate Adams Byarugaba. He was charged with the murder of Bbosa.
Dr. Jane Egau, the Under Secretary in the Education Ministry, also acknowledged that while there have been ongoing efforts to address the issue over the years, no effective solution has yet been found. She noted that several schools have implemented their initiatives, some of which are unsustainable or exclude certain students.
Cyrus Muwanga, a former table tennis player and gold medalist at the All-Africa Games, underscored the need for more funding to popularize the sport in schools.
During the launch of the 30th edition of the annual Agricultural Show at the Uganda National Farmers’ Federation (UNFFE) offices in Kampala, farmers emphasized the need for strategic investment in the limited budget.
Doreen Tumushabe, Principal Assistant Secretary at MZO-Mukono, assures that efforts to correct these errors will be completed by November this year, allowing land transactions in Mukono to resume. She urges all stakeholders to assist in the process when contacted to help speed things up.
Rusooke emphasized the potential for disorder due to the lack of transparency in the event's organization. "Given the lack of transparency and potential for disorder, the police strongly warn against proceeding with this march," he stated.
The operation, overseen by Maj Gen Apollo Kasiita-Gowa, was prompted by local tips suggesting an influx of suspected illegal immigrants in Kabalagala and Kansanga areas.