

Sep 6 results

Electricity Generation Capacity Now Twice Demand as Karuma Feeds Grid 4

With the installed capacity reaching 2,000 megawatts in the next one year, the ministry says that there is need for increased efforts in ensuring higher demand for electricity.

Kilembe Investment Starts Consumer Groups to Combat Electricity Infrastructure Vandalism 4 1

Jane Masika Birungi, the Executive Director of Kilembe Investment revealed that the company has been losing nearly 2 billion shillings annually due to vandalism and theft.

COVID-19 Smashed Uganda’s Renewable Energy Jobs-Report Electricity 1

Power for All’s report shows that COVID-19 led to a drastic reduction in the sale of Decentralized Renewable Energy technologies by nearly 20 percent leading to the loss of over 5,000 jobs.

Integrated Electricity Projects Seen As Solution To Boost Demand 1 6

The decline in connectivity was largely due to the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the consumer’s spending power, which has forced some of them to revert to other sources of energy like wood and kerosene to meet their needs. The 40 kilowatt-hour plant at Kiwumu targets to serve at least 400 households and small businesses and has already attracted more than 250 connections, which the partners say is more than they had expected.

Utility Companies Challenged on Slow Response to Complaints Umeme Ltd 3

While Umeme’s social media sites have been hailed as some of the most interactive and helpful, it is common for complaints lodged to be followed by complaints of delays in handling the situation. Most of the complaints to Umeme are about unexplained power outages.

Hoima Traffic Lights Non Functional Electricity 3 1

The traffic lights were installed last month as part of the 30.1 billion shillings road works under the Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development-USMID project.
Sep 6 results