

Feb 4 results

Gov’t Not Responsible for Compensating Kwoyelo’s Victims-Attorney General Thomas Kwoyelo 1 Top story

Johnson Natuhwera, a Senior State Attorney who represented the Attorney General however told the court that the primary responsibility for compensating the victims lies with the convict who committed the crimes but not the government.

Justice Gaswaga’s New Role Won't Affect Kwoyelo's Trial-ICD Registrar Uganda Radio 1 3

Juliet Harty Hatanga, the ICD Deputy Registrar told Uganda Radio Network Monday that despite Justice Gaswaga's new role at the African Court, he will continue sitting on the panel in the trial of Kwoyelo until the case is concluded.

Brig. Karemire Explains Re-Arrest of Kaweesi Murder Suspects Yoweri Museveni 1 1 Top story

Now, the Army Spokesperson, Brigadier Richard Karemire, says the suspects were picked up by Joint Security Forces and are locked up at a gazetted facility on allegations that they are peace violators. “Our people deserve peace and security forces will do whatever they can within the laws established to ensure that,” said Karemire.

Leaking Court Ceiling Interrupts Kwoyelo's Trial trial of kwoyelo 3 Top story

A team from the Police Fire and Rescue services from Gulu Central Police station rushed to the court room and tried to drain water from the tank in an attempt to stop the leakage in vain. A female inmate from the holding cells tried to mop the floor but this couldn’t help the situation either.
Feb 4 results