Farmer Karim Rusathura says the early rainfall has not only relieved herdsmen but also crop farmers to start preparing their gardens for the early planting of crops.
The research will involve investigating the probable influence of this temperature limit on crop production and water needs including the influence on rainfall, humidity, winds and cloudiness over Uganda.
The late Annet Ajok was gunned down during a protest protests in Lokitelebu where residents had barricaded Kotido-Abim Road paralyzing traffic for several hours.
NAADS Technical and Agribusiness Services Manager Dr Christopher Bukenya says that although they encourage timely planting, delayed rainfall interrupts distribution of inputs and distracts orders to suppliers.
Rainfall has been above average throughout Uganda. Although incidences of flooding and water logging have been reported, so far these events are isolated and have not had widespread negative impacts.
Uganda National Meteorological Authority issued accurate weather forecasts but farmers did not use the forecasts and advisories. Many districts have as result realized crop failures which should have been avoided.
Winifred Oyela, the coffee extension worker in charge Lango sub region and Kaberamaido district told URN that they registered a low survival rate of the seedlings planted in the second season of 2015.
Heavy rains are currently pounding Uganda, and uncharacteristically lasting hours at a time. URN takes you around Uganda to see the effects of the rains in different towns.