During the handover Ceremony held the Kabale District Headquarters, the Executive Secretary for Marketing and Production Ronald Bagamuhunda said that Bakak had fearlessly commanded the fight against corruption in the District, arresting a number of corrupt officials and recovering hundreds of million shillings, especially in the Parish Development Model –PDM Program.
Before his appointment as UNEB Secretary, Bukenya had a distinguished career as an accountant within the board and had retired at the age of 60. However, in 1997, he was called back from retirement to lead UNEB, where he became a household name synonymous with the national examinations.
According to Odongo, the highest cases of malpractice were registered in Science subjects. "The most common forms of examination breached have been external assistance, substitution of scripts, smuggling of unauthorized material into the examination room and impersonation," Odongo said.
The IPOD leadership rotates among subscribing the parties. The term of DP expired on September 20th, 2019. DP was expected to handover the IPOD leadership to FDC but this didn’t happen. DP said FDC hadn’t been committed to IPOD, which made it doubtful if they could take over and commit to its leadership.
Our reporter accessed the fake papers and compared them with the papers done on Monday but none of the numbers were similar. The UNEB Executive Secretary, Dan N. Odong has those behind the fake papers that they risk arrest.
From analysis of the results, 602 candidates (about 28%) were negatively affected by modules such as engineering surveying, engineering mathematics II, Strength of Materials, AutoCAD (a commercial computer-aided design and drafting software application) and Thermodynamics.