Simon Lokoru, a bee farmer in Katikekile sub-county in Moroto district, says that he decided to venture into beekeeping because the activity requires low investment since the requirements are just bee hives and a few simple tools for harvesting.
Apparently, a combined force of both the army and police commanded by Assistant Commissioner of Police Godfrey Matte has camped the area to oversee the ongoing eviction which is characterized by the demolition of permanent houses, pulling down offenses, and burying of all trenches that had been dug by occupants as demarcations for their cattle ranches.
In 2019, the cooperative received Shillings 235 million under ACDP that is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries to construct a coffee processing plant and stores to support their value addition capacities.
Isingiro district has contracted Net world contractors Ltd, which has already produced a design and is expected to deliver the project within six months.
The Ministry of Agriculture has since passed out information warning the entire populace to stock enough food. However, the warning might have come in late as many people are likely to have already sold off a number of crops harvested in the recent farming season. Uganda last experienced a major locust invasion in 1961, with immense damage on crops which resulted in acute hunger.