Vital ecosystems are under threat because of severe droughts and rising temperatures. That’s why on World Environment Day, the UN is calling for a global movement to restore lands, combat drought, and halt desertification.
Joseline Nyangoma, the Hoima District Natural Resources Officer, says that her office and that of the RDC were compelled to conduct the operation following the massive destruction of wetlands in the district.
According to the President, the campaign which will kick off next month will help to restore lost water from the swamps that will in turn help facilitate irrigation for farming.
Gulu City Mayor Alfred Okwonga, says the construction work is illegal since it contravenes the environmental act and threatens the environment. He says that they won’t allow it to proceed
This is a laughable 0.0095% wetlands restored of the 70,000 hectares’ (760 sq kms) target set by the year 2030, with half of the time gone. 18 out 22 districts were covered in the wetland restoration process.
Namulindwa says government lost the battle against wetland degradation, saying what remains is to help the encroachers to utilize them sustainably without causing more harm. She also asks government to plan for the rising population, which is piling pressure on the available land for cultivation.
Early this month, President Yoweri Museveni threatened to sack Chief Administrative Officers, Resident District Commissioners and Police Commanders in Nakaseke and Luweero district after witnessing several wetlands degraded during a visit to the area.
The money will help in restoration of degraded wetlands in different parts of the country. The eight-year project is supported with a US24.14 million grant from the Green Climate Fund, US2 million from UNDP and US18.12 million in co-financing from the Government of Uganda.
Recently, Daniel Turyajunwa, the Ntungamo Municipal Environmental Officer gave the affected people a 15 days ultimatum to vacate the wetlands or risk being thrown out.
Recently, ACDP started reclaiming Walumbe wetland to pave way for the establishment of fish ponds meant for training students at that East Africa Community College that is managed by ACDP.
At least 20 families in Sheema district are in trouble for encroaching on and degrading Nyakambu wetland. The wetland is the major catchment area for River Rwizi.
A Four million dollars mushroom growing farm has been opened in Nakaseke amidst protests from the residents and chairman Local leaders over lack of wetland permit from national environment management Authority.