According to Amuriat, the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) Party led by President Museveni has already been in power for more than 30 years and should do better in respecting the civil rights of people who share different views.
"Museveni will never develop this airfield. You must raise and tell Museveni that without fulfilling his pledges, there are no votes for him here," Amuriat said.
Speaking during a regional mobilization meeting of FDC structural leaders in Masaka City on Tuesday, Dr. Besigye attributed the internal conflicts within the party to fatigue among some leaders, stemming from their previous unsuccessful attempts to seize state power.
The late Ssemogerere served under President Yoweri Museveni’s government until 1995 when he quit accusing the latter of perpetuating a one-party state codified into the “National Movement System.”
The FDC boss said that after reviewing the submission of the former MP, they found out that he was neglected from key party positions despite his seniority and contribution to the party and this had frustrated him.
Ntabose has been seen in court calling affidavits for the election petition of Mbaju Jackson Tatikha, the former Member of Parliament for Busongora South who contested as an independent candidate after losing the FDC ticket to another contender. He later crossed to the National unity Platform-NUP.
Speaking to reporters today at the party headquarters at Najjanankumbi, Ibrahim Ssemuju Nganda the FDC party spokesperson, said that land problems in the country cannot be solved by changing the land tenure system but by planning for the large growing population.
The FDC candidates have since disputed the poll results, saying there was a lot of violence directed at their supporters and polling agents. They also describe the elections a sham and fraudulent, arguing it was characterised with open voter bribery by the NRM party and candidates.
The FDC party leadership had organized to host their presidential candidate at Kayanja play ground where they found NRM party supporters had also organized a football match.
While moving in feet may give some politicians political mileage, health experts say this exposes politician to severe infections like worms, tetanus, scabies, and bilharzia. Dr Fred Mulabya, an environment health specialist at the Ministry of Health says the move which might look heroic, is exposing the candidates to several avoidable infections
Most opposition politicians have opted to contest on the independent ticket while others have since reversed their decisions and joined the ruling NRM, a party they once vehemently opposed.