The Chairperson local council one Saluti B in Kasese Municipality, Janet Mbambu has identified the victims as Catherine Kabugho aged 10-years and Caroline Mbambu aged 8 years.
Those vaccinated are children aged between 9 months and 5 years. They were vaccinated last week in the second round of the mass measles vaccination conducted in the district by health officials.
The deceased persons have been identified as Samuel Bieveni 2, Blessing Ayiyorwoth 7 and their mother identified as Irene Akutu 27, all residents of Kamagongoro village in Walukuba parish, Butiaba sub county in Buliisa district. The incident at around 10:30 p.m on Wednesday.
As of now, 302 people have been affected by the outbreak, with children between the ages of one and five years being the most affected demographic group. In response, health authorities, led by Dr. Fredrick Byenume, the Acting District Health Officer, have launched a mass vaccination campaign targeting children aged one to fifteen years.
The outbreak has so far been confirmed in four villages of Runga and Kavava in Kiganja sub-county, and Tonya and Rwentale in Buseruka sub county, along the shores of Lake Albert.
Trouble for Kivumbi started after Everce Munguriek, the Kikuube District Worker's representative found the children under the care of Kivumbi entertaining group gathered in Kiryatete. Munguriek became suspicious and tasked Kivumbi to provide documents authorizing him to take charge of all the 16 children in vain.
The deceased minors have been identified as Ofoi Mungu,8, and Mercy 5, both children of Godfrey Utungi and Grace Anirwoth of the same area. The minor's mother was away in the trading center when the assailants torched the house.
The two children aged between 12 and 16 years but whose identities were not readily available at the time when the accident occurred were riding on bicycle and tried to cross the road when the speeding vehicle rammed into them killing them instantly.
Kenneth Tukamushaba, the Officer in Charge of Kagadi Central Police station told Uganda Radio Network on Thursday that Bagonza placed several announcements on Local Radio stations in Kagadi on Monday announcing the mysterious disappearance of his daughter and also filed a complaint with police.
Moses Balikagira, the Kapapi Sub County LC 3 Chairperson, has condemned the attack and cautioned parents against leaving their children alone during night hours.
The Nakawa RCC, Anderson Burora noted that most parents are in the habit of sending children to villages during such breaks. He however, asked parents to avoid the practice this time around, saying it could be another form of transmitting the virus easily.
The children are 3-year-old James Tubazane and 5-year-old Flora Kuzara, both grandchildren of Yolam Kyabalyanga of Ngururwe village of Kasonga parish in Kyangwali Sub County in Kikuube district.
Julius Hakiza, the Albertine Region Police Spokesperson, says police have launched investigations into the matter. He says they have contacted all relatives of the missing children who have confirmed that they are not with them.
Charles Obecen, the father to the late Samuel Owuuchi, says they fled leaving behind the minor in their house. He says the law enforcement officers torched his house burning the minor beyond recognition. Obecen says he has never accessed his land since the incident because of heavy military deployment not until Wednesday when legislators visited the area.
Ellen Eva Ssuubi, the Executive Director of Wells of Hope, a Non-Government Organization that looks after prisoners children says that in the absence of parents and caregivers, most of these children are left to face lifes challenges at an early age, driving them out of school into child Labour, early marriages, and sometimes, prostitution.