

Jan 7 results

UAE Declares A Global Climate Finance Framework COP28 Dubai 4 1 Top story

Dubbed ALTÉRRA, the fund will allocate $25 billion to climate strategies and $5 billion to incentivize investment flows to countries like Uganda or generally the global South to fight the effects of climate change.

Network Launches To Spur Green Investments In East Africa green climate fund 1 2

The launch of IGEN-EA comes at the time when climate-focused investment options are gaining popularity globally.

Civil Society Push For New Environmental Laws green climate fund 1

The activists say the existing environment laws are too weak and dont address the current developments that have an impact on the environment.

Govt, UNDP Launch Wetland Restoration Drive wetland degradation 1 Top story

The money will help in restoration of degraded wetlands in different parts of the country. The eight-year project is supported with a US24.14 million grant from the Green Climate Fund, US2 million from UNDP and US18.12 million in co-financing from the Government of Uganda.

Africa civil society protest as UN Climate talks go extra time. green climate fund 2 2

African Environmental groups at the Climate Change conference in Peruvian city Lima have demonstrated against failure by governments to agree on what should be included in a new climate change agreement.

Developed Countries Must Pay for Global Warming-Byanyima green climate fund 1 2 Top story

In an interview Byanyima says poor countries should not be made to foot the cost of adaptation when the problem they are trying to respond to was largely caused by the Developed countries.

Negotiators Eye Green Climate Fund Agreement in Durban 2

Delegates at the UN climate change conference in Durban, South Africa say the negotiations should end with an agreement to launch the Green Climate Fund (GCF) needed to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Jan 7 results