

Feb 8 results

Gulu Archdiocese Equips Catechists to Manage Psychological Burdens of Christians Counselling 1 1

The first cohort, comprising 57 catechists from West Acholi Districts, completed their training last week, and an additional 48 catechists from East Acholi Districts were enrolled on Tuesday.

When the Dead Pay You Gulu 2 3

The evening of September 17, 2024, dressed up on black- short with a white T-shirt and a cross on the neck, Johnson Kidega recites his ‘cross’ as he stands at the gate into the mortuary at Lacor hospital.

Pictorial: Inauguration of the Orthodox Bishop of Northern Uganda Laroo-Pece Division 30

The Bishop of Rwanda-Burundi, Innocentios Byakatonda enthroned Bishop Nektarios Kabuye on Saturday in the Arch Diocese of the Orthodox in Gulu City in Koro Rom Cell in the Eastern Division of Laroo-Pece.

Learners Struggling to Access Schools in Gulu as Broken Bridges Cut off Villages Laroo-Pece Division 1 1

Albino Opira, the LC I Chairperson of Layiyadul told Uganda Radio Network that they have been struggling to access key areas including health centers over the last nine months.

Piles of Reading Materials Eaten by Termites in Gulu lockdown 3 1

The materials which include textbooks and the home-based learning materials meant to be distributed to learners from primary one to primary four respectively were uncovered during an ongoing cleanup exercise which started on Wednesday, in preparation for the much anticipated reopening of schools.

Police Creates New Command Units in Gulu Gulu City 1 1

The region previously had eight District Police Commanders but the new command units have expanded the territorial area to 11 respectively.

Laroo- Pece Division Councilors Demand Audit of COVID-19 Relief Cash Beneficiaries Laroo-Pece Division 3

Margaret Lanyero, the female councillor for Tegwana West says that in her area, the chairpersons were side-lined leading to irregularities.

Acholi Sub Region MPs Ask Gov't to Increase Funding to Lacor Hospital Laroo-Pece Division 1 4

The hospital has largely survived and depended on donations which accounts for 67% of the funds, 27% are generated from the hospital bills while the government only provides 5% of the support.
Feb 8 results