

Feb 6 results

Ssegirinya’s Death Unites MPS On Denial of Bail 11th Parliament 3 10 Top story

The Parliament urges the Executive to abide by the rule of law, while some legislator said the judiciary let down their colleague by denying him bail that he needed to get treatment abroad.

A book of Lies? Kabumba Explores Complex Constitutional Questions 3 1 Top story

He says like people who tell lies, the Constitution of Uganda tells lies probably for the purposes of keeping peace.

Judges Trained In Fighting Money Laundering 2 2

The training aimed at ensuring that courts build capacity and expertise in fighting the money laundering and financing of terrorism.

Judiciary Launches Moroto High Court Circuit karamoja sub region 5 2 Top story

The Principal Judge, Justice Flavian Zeija, presided over the official launch and stated that daily hearings of cases will be conducted to reduce the backlog and ensure timely justice. Plans are also underway to establish a regional court, although this will depend on the region that provides land for premises to cut the costs of moving to Kampala for appeals.

Animals Don’t Speak; Let Us Speak for Them-Magistrate UWA 3 1

“One of the principles in our constitution is that justice must not be delayed. And Justice must be done for all. And for me, to all means to animals as well. Much as they don’t speak to say that I am hurt, they do expect justice,” Kamasanyu said in a recent interview with the Wildlife Trafficking Investigators Program in Gaborone, where she was one of the experts at an event hosted by the International Law Enforcement Academy.

Justice Opio Died Five Months to Retirement, Mourners Told 4 1

In his message delivered to mourners by Hon Justice Phillip Odoki, Judge of the High Court, the Chief Justice explained that late Opio Aweri died on the front line while serving the judiciary after 40 years, leaving an undisputable legacy.
Feb 6 results