

Dec 9 results

Primary School Dropouts Puzzle Educationists in Moroto, Nabilatuk Nabilatuk district 2 4

The schools often register big numbers in the lower classes and the enrollment keeps dropping from the upper level as children get involved in other economic activities that limit them from completing the primary education cycle. However, when they reach the adolescent stage, the children especially girls withdraw from school to get married while boys are taken to the kraal to look after livestock.

Moroto School Cuts Down Student Enrolment over Insecurity Moroto district 1 1

The limited space and resources forced the school management to reduce the enrollment from 719 to 507.

Karamoja Elders, Local Leaders Gang Up against Bad Cultural Norms Affecting Girls, Women partners 5 1

John Mark Lokiru, an elder from Lotisan Sub County in Moroto District, stated that they have initiated sensitization campaigns to change the mindset of elders regarding these negative cultural norms. “We are the custodians of the culture, and we shall lead dialogues to sensitize communities and denounce these negative practices,” Lokiru explained.

Mobile Communities Frustrate Polio Vaccination Campaign in Moroto Lotisan sub county 2 1

Dr. Ronald Miria Ocaatre, supervisor of the mass polio vaccination campaign in the Moroto region, noted that progress had been made despite the challenges encountered by the team. He emphasized that the campaign had gone well across most of the district, but the network issues hindered data upload in three sub-counties.

Moroto Cross Border Market Lies Idle over Land Conflict 3 3

The facility at the border between the sub-counties of Rupa and Katikekile was developed under the Pastoral Livelihood Resilience Programme to boost the trade between Karamojong and the Turkana of Kenya.

Polio Vaccination Campaign Starts in Moroto MINISTRY OF HEALTH 1 1

The campaign in Moroto targets 27,627 out of 1.3 million children.

Moroto Enumerators Decry Lack Of Protective Equipment For Census Exercise rain season 1 5

On Monday, UBOS rolled out the census program to run for ten days across the country. However, the exercise comes at a time when different parts of the Karamoja sub-region are experiencing heavy rain that is washing away some bridges while other roads are submerged. Now, the enumerators have expressed concern over the lack of protective gear such as gumboots, raincoats, and umbrellas to ensure their safety and the protection of gadgets on rainy days.

Environmental Defenders Petition Moroto District for Conservation climate change 1 2 Top story

Sarah Akello, an environmental defender from Tapac Sub County, noted that their advocacy against destructive mining activities, particularly by Tororo Cement Factory Limited, has exposed them to threats.
Dec 9 results