

Feb 10 results

Prayers Can’t Work in Stamping Out Corruption- PS Ggoobi 1

He said progress was already being made in digitizing the government's procurement processes, a key area of government spending which remains prone to corruption.

Uganda’s Fiscal Deficit Worrying, Finance State Minister Admits 4 1

Musasizi notes that the country’s tax contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is low at only 13.5 percent compared to the government's expenditure which stands around 23 percent, leaving an annual deficit of over 9percent of GDP that must be financed by borrowing.

Construction of Aduku Town Council Administration Block Nears Completion 1 1

In 2018, Aduku Town Council and Aduku Sub County were forced to reallocate as a new district; Kwania curved from Apac temporarily occupied offices from its headquarters.

Public Universities to Get UGX 12.8 Billion for Salary Enhancement kyambogo university 1 1

Rev. Dr. Grace Lubaale, the Chairperson of the Forum for Academic Staff of Public Universities -FASPU, says their position has been communicated to government through line ministries to ensure a Professor reaches 15million shillings in the next financial year as promised.

Over 600 Mak Staff Miss October Salary makerere university 1

URN has learnt that all staff invoices for October 2018 were uploaded on the Integrated Financial Management System - IFMS on October 20, 2018. However, due to a technical error, which was not explained in detail, some staff invoices were not processed.

Nakasongola District Officials Pinned on Lack of Transparency 2

The assessment for 2017/18 was conducted by the government based on performance contracts, planning, budgeting and execution, procurement and contract management.

Staff Shortage Cripples Services at Amudat Hospital 2

According to the Ministry of Health status report for the Karamoja sub-region, Amudat has only 53 health workers across the eight health units in the district out of the required 216.

Public Universities Support Staff Strike Deal With Government kyambogo university 2 1

In the 2017/2018 financial year, government provided Shs.19.625bn for enhancement for both teaching and non-teaching staff of public universities. The funds represented 25 percent of the expected total salary enhancement amounting to Shillings 78.5bn.

Uganda's Public Debt Not Sustainable -Central Bank domestic debts 2

According to finance minister Matia Kasaija, the debt is sustainable over the medium to long term. But Adam Mugume, the executive director for research at Bank of Uganda disagrees with the assertion and says that continued borrowing will further affect the economy which has already slackened.

URA, Ministry of Finance Explain U-turn On Tax Exemptions 2014/15 budget 3

Today, amidst talk of Members of Parliament reversing some of the proposals made by the finance minister, officials from Uganda Revenue Authority and Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development, explained why some exemptions had to be removed.
Feb 10 results