On Tuesday, the Chiefdom marked the 20th coronation anniversary at Kaalemere Ka Nyamusumba palace in Nakasongola town council under the theme ''Unity in Diversity''.
Speaking during the unveiling of new ministers at the palace on Saturday, Acana stressed the need for a fresh approach to addressing the region's poverty, despite numerous government interventions post-conflict.
Elwelu stressed that the Sacco leadership must invest wisely and provide financial literacy training to members, enabling them to make purposeful investments with high returns.
At the household level, the picture is similar to the top three problems named by citizens as the cost of living (62%), unemployment (45%) and hunger or drought (42%).
Female opposition MPs, led by Joyce Bagala Ntwatwa, the Mityana District Woman representative, spoke out against the new law at a press conference held at Parliament on Wednesday.
Joyce Namigadde, the Senior Probation Officer for Luwero District explains that the increase in cases is due to conflicts arising from rapid urbanization, alcoholism, property grabbing and unemployment among other factors.
Prisca Birungi, the Officer In Charge of the Child and Family Protection Unit at Luwero Central Police Station says that the causes of domestic violence include; poverty, alcoholism, greed for property and witchcraft among others.
More than 24,000 Ugandans seek household jobs in the Middle East annually, driven out of the country by poverty, unemployment, domestic violence and family breakdown among others. However, hundreds of them who are unknowingly trafficked are reporting harsh and inhumane working conditions, which have put hundreds of lives on the line.
While attending the launch of Busoga’s 2022/2023 annual development plan at the Jinja city’s based Civil Service college, the leaders said that an increase in the funds will foster the quickening of poverty eradication processes.
According to the Archbishop, the country faces a time bomb from such vulnerable children who may end up into criminal gangs or habitual offenders if a strategic intervention is not sought to sustainably address their future needs.
Lamwo District presents a higher number with 1,000 girls followed by Pader with 920, Agago 730, Nwoya 640, Amuru 620 while Gulu comparatively registered low cases with 'only' 150 girls.
Patrick Jimmy Okema, the Aswa River Region Police Spokesperson, says preliminary findings show that Akello sneaked out of her house following the altercation with her husband and her body was found hanging on a tree branch with the sheet of her baby tied around her neck.
Mariam Nabutaka, the Lwampanga Sub county LC V councillor, says the rats have destroyed several acres of crops including groundnuts, maize, cassava, sweet potatoes and watermelon among others.
Tegwana Parish Chairperson Alex Odongo Okoya who spearheaded the assessment said that most of the registered women were from parts of Central Uganda, West Nile and Lango sub regions of Uganda.
The affected group came up earlier to cry for help, saying many of them were starving and pleaded to be classified as a vulnerable group that needs to be considered for urgent food relief. The group also threatened to name and shame leaders who benefit from their illicit trade, who have abandoned them at their time of need.
Nabakooba also took a swipe at some local government public relations officers for failing to update district websites detailing government achievements such as mechanized agricultural systems in preference of discussing political tales, which have dragged young people in abject poverty since they lack information to transform their lives.
Busoga region has registered 223 reservists that will join their colleagues at Singo military barracks to form Uganda’s battle groups thirty-one and thirty-two which will foster UPDF’s operations under African union mission in Somalia-AMISOM.
While preaching to Christians at Iganga Cathedral Church on Christmas Day, Wakula says that voters are outraged that several promises made in the past have not yet been fulfilled.
Abura says that unlike domestic animals, fish species require the deployment of scientific technologies to sustain their continued existence in the Lake. He noted that there are now a number of cost-effective drones designed to cover a distance of 30 kilometres both in the space and under water.