Ayub Soma, the Acting Director Airports and Aviation Security at the Civil Aviation Authority says, a preliminary report by a medical team indicated that the pilot and crew were not mentally ill and did not test positive to any substance.
Glaser is the Director of Ssese Humanitarian Services, a German/Belgian humanitarian initiative providing rehabilitation services to infected, affected, abused and violated girls in Kalangala district. The centre known among locals as Berys place also provides psychosocial care to victims of sexual related offenses.
The provisions for scheme of service for Human Resource Management issued on October 12 2012 stipulates that any promotional position in the Human resources cadres requires experience in the human resources field of three years at each level which the officers in question do not possess.
The deceased persons were travelling from a nearby Buwuvu Island when they were hit and drowned. Abas Kasasa, one of the eyewitnesses says that the canoe boat was approaching a landing site Kaaya on Lulamba Island when the Hippopotamus hit the boat.
Speaking on Wednesday during the on-site monitoring of the new NMS warehouse, the NMS Chief Executive Officer Moses Kamabaale said that the government allocates a third of the total budget of drugs needed, which is inadequate. He says that the government allocates 300 Billion Shillings instead of the required 1 trillion shillings to deliver all essential drugs in health facilities.
The Director Community Service Paul Kintu says the move is aimed at rehabilitating people through different community programmes than holding them in custody. Seeking for justice through detention is more like revenge, yet, very expensive for government in terms of feeding and welfare, Kintu said.
Daniel Muguluma, the Officer in Charge of the Village Savings and Loans Association, says the tremendous improvement in the saving culture amongst the people in Kalangala has led to further development in the area.
His neighbor, Paul Ssengonzi told Uganda Radio Network that they decided to notify the area LC I chairperson after realizing that the deceased hadnt left his room for two days.
Early this month, reports emerged that the Catholic Church had submitted a request for more than 9 billion Shillings to renovate the Namugongo shrine in preparation for the visit. However, Dr Lwanga says he cannot request money from the central government and the Catholic community in the country when the Popes visit hasnt been confirmed.
Buyange Landing Site Chairperson Stephen Kyeyune says five of his engines were stolen from his workers as they approached Ziiru Island. He says that pirates hold fishermen at gunpoint and order them to surrender all their possessions. Other engines were stolen from fishermen in Nkese, Buyange, and Namisoke landing sites.
Kirabira says it is high time Entebbe residents realized that they are also part of the security system and thus need to be vigilant and report people they dont know in their villages..
The Entebbe District Police Commander, Baker Kawonawo, says they have submitted the deceaseds finger prints to the National Identification and Registration Authority to try and ascertain her identity.
NEMA in December wrote a letter ordering the eviction of all people who constructed houses in the wetland. However, the residents petitioned the Entebbe Municipality Mayor who engaged NEMA to allow some of the residents remain with the wetland.
Area residents noted that, the deceased was spotted in a nearby bar only identified as Captains bar, on Sunday evening. When a police sniffing dog was brought, it back-traced the steps to the same bar. However, no arrests were made since no one was found at the bar.