Tito Otiri, the Secretary for Production for Palabek Gem Sub County says that dozens of farmers have reported cases of the diseases to his office seeking an intervention.
Farmers in
Palabek Gem Sub County in Lamwo District are battling a suspected outbreak of
banana bacterial wilt and cassava mosaic diseases.
The diseases have reportedly infested and ravaged several acres of crops in the
areas since August last year.
Tito Otiri,
the Secretary for Production for Palabek Gem Sub County says that dozens of
farmers have reported cases of the diseases to his office seeking an
Otiri disclosed that half an acre of his banana fruit bunches have also been
attacked and destroyed by the bacterial wilt, forcing him to slash them down as
advised by the agricultural extension workers.
He added that similarly, several acres of cassava crops have also been
destroyed by the mosaic disease which has caused some of them to rot away.
//Cue in: ‘’watye kanongo report…
Cue out: …karan me production.’’//
According to Otiri, banana crops are characterized by yellowing, wilting and
hard substance on the fruits.
//Cue in: ‘’two labolo ni…
Cue out: …ingom I ngom.’’//
Alexis Walikiri, one of the affected farmers in Abuka Village says dozens of
his banana fruits were attacked by the same condition noting that most of them
have dried off. The matter was in December forwarded to the
agricultural department for further investigation.
Richard Ssejjoba, an agronomist at Agrithon in Gulu City says bacterial wilt of
bananas and cassava mosaic spread fast and requires urgent attention to curb
He advised farmers to plant disease-resistant crops, apply ashes and silicon
during planting, disinfect farm tools, and totally destroy infected crops to
avoid them from spreading.
Tobia Kolo, the Lamwo District Agricultural Officer says a team has been
dispatched to verify the reports.