Kasese District Principal Assistant Secretary attached to the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, Mustafa Kikusa said the project will include the maternity ward and staff house asking the local people to offer more land for expansion of the facility.
Kasese district has launched the construction and upgrade of Kabingo Health Centre II to Health Centre III in Munkunyu Sub-county.
The project funded by the
government has been handed over to the
contractors; Mariam AND Brothers Trading Co. Ltd and Tobias Construction
Company Ltd at a tune of 1 billion shillings.
Due to the rough terrain, the community
members mobilised themselves to carry the construction materials to the site.
Kasese District Principal Assistant
Secretary attached to the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, Mustafa
Kikusa said the project will include the maternity ward and staff house asking
the local people to offer land for expansion of the facility.
He was pleased by the community who
set aside time to support the contractors deliver the materials to the site.
//Cue in: “Governmnet enu…
Cue out: …abatuha ekithaka.”//
The Kasese Deputy RDC in charge of Bukonzo County, Lt. Maate Magwara, asked
the local community to offer an oversight role to ensure the allocated resources
are not misused or stolen.
He also encouraged the population to fully utilize the health centre facility
to prevent maternal deaths.
Kabugho Mary a local resident says they have been relaying far facilities
such as Nyabirongo, HC and Kagando in Kinyamaseke town country for maternity
She asked the government to not focus its attention on extending safe air services
to the area.
The Kyibisire village chairperson, James Katuramu appreciates the government for
extending maternity services loser to the community living in the mountainous