
Kasese Sacco Chairperson Arrested for Extortion

It is alleged that Henry Songoh has been soliciting for bribes from SACCO members to process PDM funds.
Police in Kasese District have arrested the Chairman Way of Salvation Sacco in Nyamwamba Division in Kasese Municipality for extortion and sabotaging a government project.

It is alleged that Henry Songoh has been soliciting bribes from SACCO members to process Parish Development Model-PDM funds. 

Amon Butseme, the group Vice Chairperson says Songoh has collected over 900,000 shillings from members but they became suspicious when he informed them that he was exiting the group. 

He noted that Songoh solicited the money under the pretext that it was being needed by parish chiefs to help them access the money. 

Butseme with other members approached authorities including the office of the RDC and had the suspect arrested. 

Nelson Tumushiime the Rwenzori East police spokesperson says they have launched investigations into the allegations.    

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